
Templar - Signature Script

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Templar - Signature Script


If you've been struggling to find a natural looking signature script, then look no further.

Templar is a stunning handmade signature script typeface ready to be used for your creative endeavors. This font was made entirely by hand, ensuring a unique and natural feeling.

The typeface is very versatile which means you can use it for numerous projects like branding design, blog headers, signatures, quotes, social media posts, advertisements, product packaging, fashion apparel, business card, labels, stationery and more...

Templar contains a complete set of uppercase, lowercase, numerals, and punctuations.

Thank you for taking the time our of your day to read this. Have a wonderful day!

This product is included in the Creator Bundle. A collection of over 225 professional and unique fonts for your creative projects. A $3,825 value for just $44. Check it out here: https://hipfonts.gumroad.com/l/thecreatorbundle

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